the ultimate control

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"We were a silent, hidden thought in the folds of oblivion, and we have become a voice that causes the heavens to tremble." -Kahlil Gibran In the times that we live in today, in a relationship men and women have equal rights. Relationships are based on the idea that it takes both men and women to make a relationship work. There is a mutual respect between partners. However in the Nineteenth century, women had virtually …

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…of the story the power that Charlotte has over herself is evident to both the reader and John. She can no longer let him think and feel that he had control over her. Editha has power over George; she controls the outcome of his fate. However, using this control for her selfishness she loses her husband in the process. Through psychological means, both women had a shift in power in their relationship by the end.