the things they carried

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Things They Carried is written from the perspective of the author, Tim O'Brien. The book is a compilation of his stories and experiences relating to the Vietnam War. It encompasses the events and lives of himself, the other members of his company, and the war as a whole. Tim O'Brien, of no important rank, is a solider in the Alpha Company that heads out most operations of Nam. They are the first troop to …

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…but to me. I always thought of soldiers as those who sacrificed themselves for the good of others. Now I see it more like an internal battle between what you know and what you feel. Doing something not so much for "the good of the country", but to experience it. " was just the endless march, village to village, without purpose, nothing won or lost. They marched for the sake of the march." (O'Brien, pg. 15)