the simpsons

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Essay Database > Literature > English
“The Simpsons” has been an icon of American television for over twelve years. The show has enjoyed such extended success because it continuously changes its focus. “The Simpsons” is not, as Ben McCorkle claims, “A mirror of society,” it is an extreme sampling of dysfunctional society. The show draws on the aspects of life that are common to most people, but does so in an exaggerated way. “The Simpsons” shows that society in general takes …

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…episode makes fun of military, political and sports extremists. Through the use of exaggerated situations and an extreme sampling of American culture the show states that society is too serious. It makes fun of extremists, showing them in a humorous way so that they lose most of their credibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Works Cited McCorkle, Ben. “The Simpsons: A Mirror of Society.” Rpt. in Perspectives on Argument. Nancy V. Wood. Second Edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1995. 154-156.