the red scare

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Essay Database > History
The Red Scare took place twice in American History. First in the period of 1919 to 1921 which was triggered by a Communist take over of Russia. The Red scare never really stopped since it's first appearance, but occurred again in the 1950's. It was a label given to the actions of legislation, race riots, and the hatred and persecution of revolutionary objectors during that period of time. After the war formally ended on November 18, 1918, there was …

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…and the AFL, which wanted better working conditions, higher wages and a smaller work day. Also, no legislation regarding communism was passed by congress at that time, so workers in Unions were legally allowed to be Communists. The first restriction on people entering the Unions was passed in 1947 by Congress, called the Taft-Hartley Act. One provision stated that a worker must swear that he is not, and was not a communist, before entering a Union.