the notwithstanding clause

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Essay Database > History
Canada is one of the most sought after places in the world to live. The standard of living is one of the highest in the world, it welcomes new immigrants, and there are many personal freedoms which are questioned in other parts of the world. Here, there is a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that protects our individual rights. This charter, which came to be in 1982, is the basis of our Canadian society. It lays …

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…your rights, and to know that they represent what modern society views as important is what makes Canada a great place to live. With the inclusion of the notwithstanding clause, this allows the creation of differences within the system, the questionability of what can and cannot be done. All Canadians should be given the same rights and freedoms in life. The elimination of section 33 would give Canadians the same opportunities, the same chances to succeed.