the importance of the us to canada

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The United States of America has become a major power in the world. The American economic industry has an important role to the Canadian economic industry, providing the majority of trades that Canada is involved in. The United States also has a major role influencing Canada's culture, through media the importance of the U.S. is presented. In politics, economics and culture, the United States has a large influence on many other countries especially its …

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…the new world, and the two countries have become dependent on each other for their economies to thrive. The United States is extemely important to Canada as Canada is important to the U.S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** 1)Leone, Bruno,. Internationalism. Minnesota: Greenhaven Press, 1986. 2)Green, Robert P, The American Tradition. Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publising Co., 1984. 3)The Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs U.S.Department of State, "2000 country reports on Economic Policy and Trade practices", March 200