the effects of divorse on children

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Pages: 24
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Divorce is effecting many marriages today, and many of these marriages involve children. Divorce ends the marriage, and consequently effects the children. I will depict the different stages of childhood and show how each stage is effected differently by divorce, as well as show how each stage can be dealt with in a different way. In this paper, I would like to discuss how children are effected emotionally before the divorce, throughout the divorce, and …

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…stage of childhood, it is seen that children react in different ways to the divorce. During this time, children need to have the support of their parents to help them work through their problems and support them through all the rough times. Divorce can bring about many changes in a child's life; however, as long as the parents are there for their children, the effects will be lessened and the children will feel more secure.