the effects of Vietnam syndrome on US foreign policy making

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Vietnam syndrome" is the term used to describe the poor decisions made by America's leaders during the period of the war. Americans refer to it as the action - reaction approach that the United States Government used during the Vietnam War by waiting for the Communists to do something and then responding to the situation rather than having a distinct plan or guideline to follow in eliminating the enemy. Vietnam Syndrome also makes reference to …

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…Grenada." World Book Encyclopedia.1992 ed. A.K.M. "Nicaragua." Standard Reference Encyclopedia Yearbook. 1977 ed. Boyarsky, Bill. "Reagen, Ronald Wilson." World Book Encyclopedia. 1992 ed. Brief History of the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Honeycutt, John. Vietnam research page. Http:// Nakamura, Goro. Can the U.S. grow out of Vietnam syndrome? Http:// Thornton, Lee. "Bush, George Herbert Walker." World Book Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.