the contrast and similarities between apocalypse now and full metal jacket

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The contrast and similarities between Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket are both films about American soldiers in Vietnam. This genre of films broke with previous tradition in that they offer a realistic and negative view of war. Most popular movies about WWII for example were almost propagandist in their assessment of the character of Allied fighting men and the rightness of U.S. involvement. Most films about the …

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…traveling on another, very different river in Ohio when he was a child: there was a gardenia plantation and “it seemed as if heaven had come down to earth in the form of gardenias...of course it’s all overgrown now.” There is no going back for either of these men after having confronted the horror and irratio! nality in the depths of their souls, in this way Vietnam has already killed them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**