the comparison of functionalism and conflict theory

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Functionalism and conflict theory are two theories that influence the purposes of schooling. These two theories are both different and similar in their view and relation to schooling. Basically, the differences lie in the way these two theories explain transmission, as well as way functionalists are more accepting and conflict theorists want to change things. The two theories are similar in their views of structure and culture. "Functionalism...argues that society operates as does the …

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…is still on those main points and possibly will always be on those points because they are what allow a child to grow up to be a well-rounded, strong individual. This progression within the child into adulthood starts in school from the youngest age on up to adulthood. Although the functionalist view might not be best for today's society, it just seems to be the way the school system is being run as of now.