the color purple

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Give a summary of the book; state the title of the book. The Color Purple is a story told in a series of diary entries and then in a series of letters. The main charachters are Celie, who is a slave in the south, and her sister Nettie, who is missionary in Africa. Nettie has also taken Celie's kids along to get them out of the plantation. Celie and Nettie lived together at first, but …

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…goal in the book, and when her stepfaher dies and she gets the big house, it all comes true. This really happens when Nettie comes home with Celie's kids who are all grown up, some married, and she knows that they will all live together as a family. When I get old enough to move out I don't think I'll wait for my father to die to get the house, I think I'll start earlier.