the Red Violin

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Red Violin offers some interesting messages about the universality of the language of music. The acting and sets are spectacular, and the actors through the eras do very credible jobs of playing the magical violin. Lastly, the secret of the red violin's color turns out to be an apt symbol for the level of commitment that true musical devotion demands. "The Red Violin" takes its audience on a journey spanning five countries and three …

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…and your life will be beautiful. Opening yourself to perfection opens us to immortality. Our immortal legacy is how we lived our life and the way we treated others because that's how we'll be remembered, forgotten, or despised. The Red Violin showed me many attitudes from many different time periods and the different cultures that the Violin went into. I would definitely recommend this movie to any student or anyone looking for a great story.