the Punic Wars

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Essay Database > History
History 101 Monday October 23, 2000 The Punic Wars The Punic Wars were made up of three significant wars. Though the last was more of a Roman punishment on Carthage, there was still a declaration of war. The two powers involved in these wars were Rome and Carthage. Rome had control of the main peninsula of Italy, while Carthage controlled the as well as islands and commerce of the West Mediterranean. At one point, the two were on …

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…all of the Mediterranean. Also from the Punic Wars came the leadership of generals on both sides: Hannibal leading victories for Carthage, while Scipio was the one who defeated the mighty Hannibal. Overall, the Punic Wars are important to history with all that came from them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Bibliography De Beer, Ser Gavin. Hannibal: Challenging Rome's Supremacy. New York: de Beer, 1969