the Cather In The Rye

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Over the years schools have been banning the book The Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger because of several different reasons. The frequent use of profanity, the web of lies he creates, and the assumption that all teens do is drink. These three different factors dub the book unethical and may corrupt the youth. But all of this is somewhat necessary to create a accurate portrayal of a troubled teenager living in a …

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…They think that they are a bunch of no good yahoos. They believe that people who lie cant be that good of a person. This is exactly why the main character does lie. He lies to escape the reality of life, because in his lies he can believe and achieve anything he wants. To him, this is much funner than life. Drinking alcohol is a very important part of this novel. Holden uses it to