the 1960s

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Essay Database > History
The 1960's I picked this historical period of time because many crazy and wild things happened. This decade contained many political social musical and business aspects. The hippies were a main part of the social aspect of this decade. If you were a freethinking individual who did many mind-altering drugs then you might have been considered a Hippie. Hippies also made up the biggest social protest of this decade. They rejected traditional society The Hippies …

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…dry sponge sucks up water they were still some of the greatest cars ever made. They were the best of American engineering. Since these cars had stopped being produced the American car engineering industry went downhill. Overall the sixties were a psychedelic trip of the mind for some and a hardship for others. Some lived free and some lived in war, but we made it through them some are still here to tell the stories.