sweat shop slavery

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sweat Shop Slavery There's an obvious difference between slavery and getting paid to work. However, when long hours every day are rewarded with payment that barely provides for survival, how can that not be interpreted as slavery? As a country we pulled together over 100 years ago to abolish slavery and move our way towards a more civil country with respect to basic human rights. If the exploitation does not take place within the 50 United States, …

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…is the best tool for this problem. I, and many others, feel helpless concerning this issue because we have seen our government fail us. Sweat shops, child labor, and exploitation in third world countries are not issues that should exist. It seems silly to me that these could even be a problem in our world. But what can we do? The first step is to educate, and after that maybe the answer will be clear.