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Essay Database > Literature > English
Title: The Navy Of The Civil War Category: American History Submitted: 2000-04-05 Word Count: 1183 The Civil War consisted of many legendary battles over the soil of the United and Confederate States of America, which will be retold for generations in history books. Although these land battles were indeed great, the concept of this paper will be the Naval warfare of the Civil War, paying certain attention to the battle between the Monitor and the …

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…time in US history that the US Navy was able to play the role of the stronger Navy. The Navy was able to meet this challenge and proved to be successful. WORKS CITED: Congdon, Don. Combat: The Civil War. NY: Delacorte Press, 1969. Hagan, Kenneth J. In Peace and War 2nd ed. NC: Greenwood Press, 1984. Hagan, Kenneth J. The People's Navy. NY: The Free Press, 1991. Potter, E.B. Sea Power 2nd ed. MY: Naval Institute Press, 1981.