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Essay Database > Literature > English
The first person narrator, David Balfour, begins the novel by introducing his journey from his home, Essendean, in 1751. He walks with the minister of Essendean, Mr. Campbell, for some of the way. David feels that with his parents dead, it is the time to move on. David's father had asked the minister to deliver a letter to his son. With the letter, David can travel to the Shaws, once home to his father. David never …

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…would seek out a lawyer who was an Appin Stewart. David then gave Alan the little money he had and they shook good-bye. David ran to Edinburgh, refusing to look back until Alan was out of sight. The crowd carried him to the door of the lawyer. A narrator ends the story by alerting the reader that both David and Alan handled what was in store for them in the future well enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**