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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Steroids and athletics today In the world of sports in the 20th and now the 21st century you would be hard pressed to not be able to find at least one case of athletes using steroids to enhance the performance potentials. In the 1988 Olympic Games, Ben Johnson won the 100m sprint as he destroyed the world record. Soon after Ben Johnson had the medal taken away from him because he tested positive for steroids days …

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…muscle, getting slimmer hips, less body fat, and higher hematocrits. Good examples of these steroids using women can be found easily in tow di! fferent sets of women. The East German women swimmers who from 1970 to 1980 won countless medals in their events and set many recoreds. Also the Chinese female swimmeres and runners who from 1992 and 1994 came out of a relatively unknown stature to set world records in thier swimmeing or running events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**