sports and aggressive behavior

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Sports and Aggressive Behavior Sport and aggressive behavior, Do sports create aggressive behavior, or simply attract people who are already aggressive? Aggression and sport have gone together as long as sports have been around, be it the players themselves, to the parents, coaches, or spectators, they just seem to be an inseparable part of each other. The term violence is defined as physical assault based on total disregard for the well being of self and …

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…Tedeschi 1993 2. Sport in Society, Issues and Controversies 6th edition, Jay J. Coakley 1998 3. Anger, Madness, and the Daimaonic; the pyschologists genesis of Violence, evil and creativitiy. Stephen A. Diamond 1996 4. A History of Aggression Freud, Paul E. Stepansky 7. The Creation of Deviance, Interpersonal and organized determinants, Richard Hawkins, Gary Fredman, 1975 8. Power and Innocence, Rollo May 1972 9. Man and Aggression, Ashley Montague 1968 10. Adolescents and their Families Paths of Ego Development, Stuart T. Hauser, Sally I. Powers, Gil G. Noam 1991