spiritual healing

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
In this paper, I will attempt to examine an aspect of healing that has not yet been adopted by Western Civilization. It is spiritual healing, but encompassing this is the field of herbology, which uses the chemical compounds in these plants to restore a balance in the body in order to heal. The Shaman is known to have aquired the knowledge to heal via physical and spiritual means. In this paper, I will attempt to …

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…dreams and the significance of life itself can we then understand our true potential. The Shamans may seem rudimentary at times, as they are portrayed scurrying through the scrubs of high in the mountains. But they have learned what modern medicine has chosen to ignore, that is, for every force their is an equal and opposite force. All Shamans know that if the cause of an illness found here, so is it's cure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**