speech plus

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Speech -plus, the incorporation of pure speech and some kind of action, is a freedom that is generally not protected strictly as pure speech because actions may endanger safety or conflict with the rights of others. Just as pure speech, it incorporates the spoken word. But in addition to it, the "plus" may take the form of marching, singing, chanting slogans, or the dreaded picketing. The intention of these actions are for the purpose of …

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…Meadowmoor products, there were more then fifty instances of window-smashing, and explosive bombs causing injury to the plants of Meadowmoor. Three trucks of vendors were wrecked and much more acts of violence occurred. Unlike the first case, the Supreme Court held that the right to picket can be restricted when there is a threat of violence. Since then, the court has also held that picketing may be limited if it conflicts with valid state laws.