south korea

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South Korea South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, country in North eastern Asia that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is bounded on the north by North Korea; on the east by the Sea of Japan; on the southeast and south by the Korea Strait, which separates it from Japan; and on the west by the Yellow Sea. It has a total area of about 38,023sq. Mi., including …

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…equipment, electronic microcircuits, clothing, ships, automobiles, chemicals, office machines, and footwear. Annual imports in the early 1990s were valued at $83.8 billion and exports were worth $82.2 billion. Principal trading partners for exports were the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, Singapore, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia; chief partners for imports were Japan, the United States, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Indonesia. To sum this up, South Korea is a very industrial, high-export country. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**