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Essay Database > Literature > English
Canada is a nation of obvious cultural diversity. Over the past two centuries, heavy immigration has made it one of the most multicultural of all industrial nations. These immigrates are among people from Asia, Middle East, and partly from United Kingdom. Given this diversity, many people call Canada a cultural mosaic. Multiculturalism is defined as a social policy designed to encourage ethnic or cultural heterogeneity. This essay will discuss the advantages of multiculturalism and the …

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…of the challenges, there are also advantages to multiculturalism. Some agree that it promotes children in school to learn with people from different backgrounds and hence expands their knowledge about the world. It might eliminate some stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. However, there are still ma! ny controversial debates over the challenges and advantages that Canada faces as the only multicultural country out of all the industrial countries in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Vitoria, C. Arizona