societal issues in ani difranco's music

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Throughout history, music has served as a way for artists to express their feelings and beliefs on many different subjects. Often songs contain messages concerning socialization issues such as gender, relationships, emotions, and life stages. Ani DiFranco is a musician who uses her art as a method of conveying her thoughts and feelings about societal issues. In her music, which can be described as a combination of folk and punk, Ani questions convention and discusses …

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…gender, gender relationships, emotions, and life stages. Through accounts of her own personal experiences, Ani emphasizes individuality in all that she does. The message she sends to her listeners is that 'conventionality' and 'normalcy' are not synonymous with 'correctness.' Works Cited DiFranco, Ani. "Out of Habit." Living in Clip. Righteous Babe Records. 1995. DiFranco Ani. "In or Out." Living in Clip. Righteous Babe Records. 1995. Kendall, Diana. Sociology in Our Times. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1999.