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Essay Database > Literature > English
3-12-01 . Snowboarding is the second sport that is done in winter in the mountains, skiing would be the first. There are a few sports that come close to snowboarding but snowboarding is its on sport. There are people that say that snowboarding is just like skateboard or surfing or even like skiing but its not. Comparing snowboarding and skateboarding. Skateboarding has been around a lot longer then snowboarding therefore skateboarding has had somewhat of …

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…snowboard. Since this sport takes place in the snow certain clothes are needed. Snow pants are great. They keep your legs dry from the snow. Long sleeve shirt is most commonly used. Most important part of clothes to take to the mountains are gloves. Gloves keep the hands dry and hands are used to push up off the snow after strapping on the binding. Sunglasses are also important to keep from going blind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**