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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Smoking 1 The Effects of a Mindfulness Manipulation on Adolescent Smoking Evidence suggests that smoking cigarettes increases the likelihood of suffering from heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer, high blood pressure, and premature aging. The smoker is also at risk of many short-term health consequences such as chronic cough, yellow teeth, and unpleasant breath. Smoking is an expensive habit that can cost up to 1500 dollars per year if the individual smokes a pack per day. Tobacco industries …

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…some manipulation check items were included (see appendix D). After completion of the initial measure, students were asked if they wanted to volunteer for a new anti-smoking project and how much time they would be willing to work (see appendix E). Four months later, the experiments returned to the middle school and gave a follow-up survey. This measure asked questions about smoking habits since the projects took place, susceptibility, prevalence, and a follow-up manipulation check.