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Essay Database > Literature > English
Smoking Smoking is defined as the inhaling and exhaling of the fumes of burning plant material, especially tobacco, from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. First introduced into Europe by early explorers, the habit has become worldwide. Cigarette companies themselves knew decades ago that smoking could kill, but rather than coming clean and risking commercial oblivion, they deployed a barrage of unscrupulous marketing and ingeniously manipulated scientific data to conceal their findings. Their customers continued to …

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…a sign of masculinity, independence, or fashion. Widespread advertisements outline the negative effects of smoking. Recent multi-billion dollar lawsuits brought against the powerful tobacco companies have begun to yield surprising results in the courts of the nation. Nearly every major city has instituted smoking bans in public areas. It is surprising that something long seen as a fashionable trend is now regarded with disgust. It really is amazing what the threat of death will do.