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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
SKINHEADS Skinheads are working class citizens that enjoy music and beer, yet they are continually portrayed as racists and bigots. Skinheads are constantly called Nazis, but skinheads originated as working class men from England many years earlier. Skinheads spend most of their time with other like-minded individuals. A group of skinheads is usually called a crew. Unlike gangs, crews are relatively non-violent unless provoked. They dress in simple and classy style at all times to …

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…where their roots lie, and because many skinheads are part of the working class. To claim one must immerse themself in the subculture and know it's what they are and not what they think is cool. Skinheads are not racist and never have been. Nazis posing as skinheads have ruined the reputation of the traditional skinheads, forcing the world to perceive them as racists. Being a skinhead is a way of life, not a classification.