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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The Various Types of Skiing Every four years in the Winter Olympics, we see professional athletes compete in many areas ranging from downhill skiing to high-speed bobsledding. We see the professionals demonstrate their spectacular abilities, and we try to emulate them in our own activities. In the Olympics, cross-country and downhill skiing are two very popular sports, and even non-professionals can get into them. There are three main categories of skiing that are: cross- country, …

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…other forms of skiing and has not been skiing for several years. All in all, the three major categories of skiing are: cross-country, downhill, and freestyle. It is apparent that skiing is costly, dangerous, yet very entertaining and is a great work out. Overall, skiing has an excellent safety record, and if you follow the steps to learn to ski in the proper order, you too can enjoy the sport as thousands of others do.