sistine chapel

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Presence of God Michelangelo's paintings on the Sistine Chapel contain a strong presence of God. The ideas and stories of the Bible lie at the surface of the entire ceiling. All these stories are taking from the book of Genesis, which would not be possible without God. The scenes depicted are placed in a time frame of an earlier world. This period is called ante legem, and is the period before the Mosaic Law. …

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…of the two roles he plays from the "Separation of Light from Darkness" to "The Drunkenness of Noah". This description is from Michelangelo's point of view for he is the creator. He takes on a Godlike position because the viewer can only see God as Michelangelo sees God if the Sistine Chapel is what is being examined. God can be defined in a number of manners for it is a personal belief and opinionated definition.