should our grandparents work?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Should Our Grandparents Work? Based on the facts that the U.S. is a wealthy nation and how technology has improved working productivity, it is expected that the retirement age should be really low. That is not the case. Many employees in the U.S. work past their retirement age, and in many cases past 70 years old. This employment status is damaging both to these elders and the nation as a whole. In one respect, …

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…to the economy since they are taking the places of younger, more efficient workers, and cause losses to the employers. Perhaps many elders acknowledge this fact but still work because of the greed for money, which they should already have enough. That is, not to mention social security. In short, there should be a law to prevent these elders from working and bring repose to these elders while helping the economy at the same time.