shiziko's daughter

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Shizuko?s Daughter, a novel written by Kyoki Mori, is about a bold and brilliant twelve-year-old Yuki Okundo who suffers the loss of her mother by suicide. Shizuko, Yuki?s mother, is a loving mother with artistic talents that she has passed on to her daughter. Yuki?s ability to survive many losses is tested by many factors, but mainly by her heartless father and his new wife. Yuki?s coming of age is the …

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…and she comes to recognize the importance of the past. Returning to her grandparents, Yuki has a profound sense that she and her mother were coming home. Now she too can worship at her grandmother's altar, but in her own way, placing an offering of fabric she has dyed herself in the colors of blue and green, her mother's colors. Strong and brilliant and bold, Yuki has become the woman Shizuko hoped she would be.