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Essay Database > Literature > English
The committees in the British House of Commons also attempt to oversee the actions of the executive departments and their civil servants. They are responsible for ensuring that there is no fraud, scandal, or abuse of power, and that insulated government bureaucrats do not wield their power carelessly, arrogantly, or sloppily. Congressional committees in the United States do the same thing, although much more aggressively. But whether by committees or some other mechanism, the legislature …

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…that while legislatures have a crucial role to play in a democracy, they are not meant to dominate the government. They are large and sometimes unwieldy, their membership encompasses a multitude of interests, and their complex internal organization does not often lend itself to swift and decisive action. Ultimately, the most important task of a legislature in a democratic regime is to give legitimacy to the government by providing representation for the citizenry ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**