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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Life, Accomplishments, and Influence of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was a well established abolishinsits and writer who help open the eyes of many Americans to the injustice of slavery. Douglass was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on the Holmes Hill farm near the town Easton of in Maryland. Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born on a farm in February 1818 as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey in Talbot county, Maryland. The farm was owned by Aaron …

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…forty-four years dies. In 1884, Douglass marries Helen Pitts, a white woman who was a former clerk in his office. From 1886 to 1887 Frederick Douglass traveled to Europe and Africa. In 1894, Douglass wrote his last greatest address" The Lessons of the Hour" and in 1895 he attended a women's rights rally and dies later that night. In conclusion, I realized how much Frederick Douglass affected the rights that African Americans have today in the United States. Bibliography no