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Essay Database > Literature > English
Violence has become an increasing problem in the school systems. In the past few years there has been numerous incidents involving violence and/or aggression around the United States; from a few years ago in Springfield, Oregon to just six months ago in Littleton, Colorado. Violence is a learned behavior, causing commitments to moral behavior and people's ability to enforce and encourage positive, non-violent ways to deal with conflict and anger (Elliot 1A). Kids do …

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…most likely will behave the same way. When a peer displeases the student, they will do what their parents do to them when they are displeased. Along with parenting techniques, culture and society influence a child's aggression level greatly. American students tend to be aggressive because of the emphasis their society places on competition and individuality. The important thing to remember is that students are imitators. A child does not learn aggression on ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**