sexual harassment

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sexual Harassment "Stop! Don't touch me!" Lines similar to these are often heard when sexual harassment is occurring. Sexual harassment is a huge problem in today's society for women, as well as for men. Attraction to others and talking about sexually related topics are a part of human nature Unfortunately, people sometimes overstep their boundaries and go to far. This can cause a problem in a professional work place. Legally, sexual harassment basically is any …

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…is still climbing. It is something that employers and others are afraid to confront. It is a very debatable and questionable, open-ended issue. Unfortunately, it is a huge problem in the corporate world today. Employers are beginning to take action when it comes to sexual harassment, but it is easy to see that more has to be done. Hopefully, this will occur in the future. We will just have to wait and see. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**