sex education in traditional societies

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
INTRODUCTION This paper discusses sex education in traditional societies, rumors surrounding the topic, the results from different techniques and the different views of each. Five countries were chosen for this analysis and were chosen based on their economy, culture, and availability of information. The countries are the United States, England, Canada, the Netherlands, and Sweden. It is measured by the rate of teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in teens. DISCUSSION Sex …

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…of contraceptives. CONCLUSION This paper discussed sex education in traditional societies, rumors surrounding the topic, the results from different techniques and the different views of each. Five countries were chosen for this analysis and were chosen based on their economy, culture, and availability of information. The countries were the United States, England, Canada, the Netherlands, and Sweden. It was measured by the rate of teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in teens.