sex and gender

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Book Review: Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell The question of same-sex unions and their legitimacy in many different societies is a topic that has been hotly debated for centuries. One society in particular is pre-modern Europe. Noted author and historian Dr. John Boswell looks extensively at the topic of same-sex unions in his book Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe. Dr. Boswell argues extensively in his book that the Catholic and …

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…certainly not to the degree that he states. Furthermore in looking into other church records of the time period, it is clear that the Catholic Church did not support same sex marriages or unions. Bottomline, Boswell makes some good points and provides some evidence, but it was not persuasive enough for me to agree ! with his thesis, there are too many open ends in terms of his interpretations of documents and other sources. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**