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Essay Database > Literature > English
Bill March 28, 2000 Laws are made to maintain order by setting restrictions on conduct and to protect the rights of parties. There are three types of laws, which are: tort law, criminal law and contract law. Tort law is a civil wrong, criminal law is a public wrong and contract law is a wrong against a contract, written or oral. Tort law is the primary source for the authority of private security officers and the limitations …

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…law. The contract between the security agency and the employing company usually will define the respective liabilities of all parties. In 1963 the Uniform Commercial Code, made uniform laws adopted in forty nine states governing sales contracts for goods, commercial paper, security interests, documents of title and securities transfers. There are four requirements to make a contract: 1) there must be an agreement, 2) consideration, 3) the party receiving the contract must have full capacity, 4) it must be legal.