scarlett letter

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In "The Scarlet Letter" , Nathaniel Hawthorne presents this novel in a dramatic point of view, starting with the scene of the prison. Hester is displayed as an adulterous woman in a Puritan society, where sin is harshly accounted for. She is forced to wear her badge of shame throughout life along side her daughter Pearl, yet the irony of it all is that she becomes one of the most helpful, phenomenal, virtuous people in her …

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…Only certain times, when Hester is alone with Mr. Dimmesdale can she feel alive and situated in ease. The forest holds these stipulations. In closing, Hawthorne leaves the novel open to his abundant use of symbolism. The forest a symbol, and the most patent place to ponder, together with a believable plot, convincing characterization, and important literary devices enables Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter to the develop the theme of the effects of sin.