savage labor

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Kaya Johnson Boyd 1 English 205 Jennifer Cost September 19, 2000 Savage Labor "By a conservative estimate, there are 27 million people working under various forms of slavery in the world today, and the number is growing" (Anonymous pg.14). This is the size of a small country. There are many reasons why this slavery has come about. Racism is one of them. Ever since people have come across somebody of another skin color or background, there has been racism. Racism …

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…is below whites. The color of skin seems to make a Boyd 6 difference even if we all look the same inside. There are dumb whites just as well as there are dumb blacks, dumb Indians, etc. If you must hate, then hate everyone equally. Society must accept that people all have different backgrounds or religions. Once we accept this fact, we can look to the future filled with the majority of non-white people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**