russia's response to the world drug problem

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Illicit drugs destroy innumerable individual lives and undermine our society"(Kofi Annan). The Peoples Republic of China believes that United Nations International Drug Control Program has to immediately attack the problem of drugs on the four fronts: the manufacture, trafficking, and the abuse of illegal drugs, and rehabilitation of addicts. China is a producer of precursor chemicals. The plant Ephedraplant that grows wild in north China can be turned into the precursor chemical ephedrine. The …

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…just run off and kill some people. The drug phenomenon is a unique problem in the way it plagues out society. It endangers the heath of individuals, political and economical development, and the safety and security of the government. Narcotics are one of the major problems plaguing the world today. This problem must be combated now and with full cooperation of all governments of the world if anyone ever wants to control the drug problem.