robert bly

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout the 20th century, Robert Bly has provided a wealth of poetry on a wide variety of topics. Alongside his themes, Robert Bly has also developed different stylistic methods to convey those thoughts. Such themes vary to this day, dealing with issues that have personally affected him, and also those of society in general. His poetry is a time-line pondering solitude, the Vietnam War, nature, frustration and relationships among all sorts, conveyed not only in …

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…a period of time. Beginning with various explorations of the conscious and unconscious, to political statements, to better understanding relationships not only with nature but with men and women, Robert Bly has continuously explored new regions of poetry. Experimenting with traditional, stanza based structure to wild "prose poetry" format, he has additionally attempted different methods in conveying his ideas. An influential member of the literary world, Robert Bly is a poet that truly deserves recognition.