river runs through it

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Analytical vs. Factual A River Runs Through It, by Norman MacLean, is totally unlike most autobiographies. Most autobiographies are similar to excerpts form an encyclopedia. They are factual and straightforward, but that is all that they are. They do not possess a depth. Norman MacLean makes his autobiography unlike most autobiographies, which focus on what happened in the life of the individual, in that he makes it a kind of analysis of his life. The …

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…analyzes his whole life. This book is very much unlike most autobiographies in the way it is so analytical. A River Runs Through It is so different from most autobiographies. It is written like a deep story is written because it has a meaning. The reason they fish is to get away from the worries of the world, and Norman says this numerous times at different ages. Norman writes this book very complex and deep.