reconstruction 2

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Essay Database > History
Reconstruction: the period of US history in which the nation tried to adjust to the new conditions created by the Civil War Results: slavery abolished; Freedmen's Bureau provides services for war refugees and freed people (including food, medical aid, and education); Civil Rights Act passed in 1866 - gives federal government power to protect African American rights; the Reconstruction Acts establish Radical Reconstruction; the KKK acts seek to outlaw organizations aimed at denying African Americans their …

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…the Secretary of War (Edwin Stanton a Radical Republican) and therefore went against the Tenure of Office Act (Senate has to approve of the firing of an official previously approved by the senate) Life after Freedom (For African Americans): Many children began getting an education, voluntary organizations began to help the freed people, sought political involvement, gained control of land and labor, KKK intimidated and hurt/killed African Americans, some had no where to go.