rape and civil law
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Pages: 6
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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rape is legally defined, and divided into two separate categories. There is forcible and statutory rape, both of which are considered felonies in the United States. An alleged offender once arrested will face charges in the criminal court. Within the American legal system there are two distinct arenas of law, criminal and civil. A victim of a crime will generally be a witness for the state in the prosecution of the alleged offender. Within the
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ego-centric and self centered the possibility of a civil suit demonstrates the contrary. An individual can not stand idly by while a crime is being committed it is that individual civic duty to intervene in some way. In conclusion, the civil court provides an opportunity for an individual society to address the trespasses of others, in a public forum in which vindication can be obtain! ed for the ills the victim has suffered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**
ego-centric and self centered the possibility of a civil suit demonstrates the contrary. An individual can not stand idly by while a crime is being committed it is that individual civic duty to intervene in some way. In conclusion, the civil court provides an opportunity for an individual society to address the trespasses of others, in a public forum in which vindication can be obtain! ed for the ills the victim has suffered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**