rap for freedom of speech

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rap for Freedom of Speech If you were a songwriter and all your thoughts and efforts were put onto a piece of paper, would you want "big brother" to come and tell you that half of the subject matter is inappropriate and must be censored? Censorship can be defined as a banning of literature, music, and other forms of expression. This is a problem that many rap artists face these days. The three main objectives …

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…an impact against censorship, here are two ways to help fight censorship: * Internet petition against Censorship: Mass. M.I.C., Parents for Rock and Rap, and Rock Out Censorship have joined together to sponsor a "Fight Music Censorship" campaign. Show them you care by signing this petition. http://www.ultranet.com/~crowleyn/frsch.html * R.O.C.: The Rock Out Censorship homepage with lots of ways to get involved. http://www.theroc.org/ Bibliography none