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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Racism & Hate Crimes in America Blacks were introduced to American soil during the 17th and 18th centuries via the triangular trade route, and were welcomed by whips, chains, shackles, and all the horrors of slavery. Slavery was legitimized by our government and continued for a few hundred years, taking a civil war and sixteen presidents before it was abolished. To this day, there is still much hatred between blacks and whites despite emancipation, desegregation, and …

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…Man Fatally Dragged In a Possible Racial Killing." New York Times 10 June 1998: A16. Levin, Jack, and Jack McDevitt. Hate Crimes: The Rising Tide of Bigotry and Bloodshed. New York: Plenum, 1993. Novick, Michael. White Lies, White Power: The Fight Against White Supremacy and Reactionary Violence. Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995. Pressley, Sue Anne. "Down a Dark Road to Murder." Washington Post 12 June 1998: A1. "Racist Murder Leads Texas Town to Probe Its Prejudices." Wall Street Journal 1 October 1998: A8.