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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mondale's sly question drew a roar of approval from an audience of black ministers, small-town mayors and businessmen. Officially, they were meeting to discuss issues such as education, jobs, black voting rights and voter registration. But the gathering turned into a pep rally for a black presidential candidate, with Jackson, 41, at the top of the ticket. His speeches were interrupted by chants of "Run, Jesse, run." Delegates sported buttons with Jackson's face and the I …

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…which he says he will make in September: the congealing of his "rainbow coalition" of blacks, Hispanics, women, peace activists and environmentalists. But with an exploratory committee, headed by Mayor Hatcher, established and a "draft" committee of black ministers set to deliver a million-signature petition to Jackson by late August, his hat is already sailing toward the ring. Says New York Congressman Charles Rangel: "He's a Baptist minister, and Baptist ministers get callings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**